How to hide the publication date of posts in Webnode?

In the tutorial How to hide the cart in the eshop in Webnode? i have shown u – how easy it is to “hide” something in Webnode.

Learn how to easily remove a date from an article on your blog in Webnode in this quick tutorial.

The “Blog” function in Webnode is a great feature that allows you to create blog posts on the website and then display them in a nice list of articles.

I got an question in my Webnode free support if it is possible to hide the date of publication of the article in Webnode.

Yes it is possible – it can be set using my pre-prepared code, which removes the date from the article and from the list of articles.

Let’s do it!


Demo website with removed published date of posts:

Simple tutorial: How to remove a date from an article in Webnode?

1. Removing the date from the article and from the list of articles is easy – just sign up for my newsletter and get pre-prepared code, which you insert on your website and thus remove the date from the published version of the website.

The first step is therefore to obtain this code. Please subscribe to my newsletter to get the code:

2. Log in to web editing in Webnode and paste the pre-prepared code on your website. You have a choice of two options for pasting the code – choose from the following options depending on what Premium Plan you have paid for with Webnode:


1. I have purchased STANDARD or PROFI Premium Plan

If you have purchased Standard or Profi Premium Plan from Webnode, you can paste the code into header on all pages of the website with one click.

At the top of the Webnode editor, click “Settings” – “Website Settings” – “HTML Header / Footer” – “HTML Header“.

Great – now your are done – published date of posts will be removed in PUBLIC version of website.

2. I have a project in Free version or I have purchased the Premium Plan Limited or Mini.

If you have a website created in the Free version or you have purchased the Limited or Mini Premium Plan, then you must paste the code on each page/posts separately.

1. Paste the code on each page of the website where you have inserted a list of articles + paste the code into each article directly into the content of the article.

Use “+” a “HTML” functions:

3. Publish it and you are done 🙂


Great, I’m glad you finished reading, and I hope you were able to delete the date of Webnode posts.

In case the code does not work for you, please write me a comment or message and send me the name of your project in Webnode. I’ll take a look and edit your code if necessary.

I wish u good luck with your online business and lots of fun with the best website builder – WEBNODE.

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