PoradnaCategory: QuestionsIQ Search Box
Nina Lehmusvuori asked 4 roky ago

It tried to add SearchIQ search box to our Webnode website. I registered and tried to follow your instructions but SearchIQ won't let me save any changes I try to make. Therefore the seach box looks basic on our website and result page won't show at all. Is that because we are free users of SearchIq?

1 Answers
Viliam answered 4 roky ago
Hi there,

No its not because of Free account - i am using SearchIQ and i dont have such as problems as you.
Just follow my instructions  and when you are done, just clear your browsers cache.

If u think SearchIQ application is not working properly, please contact SearchIQ support at email: rahul@searchiq.co

I hope you can manage it!

Good luck.
